<verges> 23.9.2021 @Panke 6-12 PM

<<<verges> explores sonic environments in between multifaceted layers of processed realities.


as a study-based investigation into the proximity of unheard and heard it scouts around the sensible and perceptive meadows of human and more-than-human matters. 

artists are invited to participate in an evening session where they can explore and experiment with the theme.


<<< with: Chunks [Broshuda&TIBSLC], Nancy Drone, Dilian, Stefani Egedy, Morgiana Hz (Film), Muqata'a, Init.play [Justin+Sn(50)], Yeahlena (DJ), Vicamez (Visuals).



6-12 PM

Panke e.V.
Gerichtstraße 23, Hof V
13347 Berlin



<<<verges> is funded by Musikfonds e.V.

https://instagram.com/vrgsvrgs   //     https://fb.me/e/2GipyypQj

<v>micro-chambers in between synthetic molecules 

small fuzzy logic nodes: audible patches of transfiguration </v>












<<<verges> is funded by Musikfonds e.V.



<<< <verges> project


Luna Woelle (artwork) 

Luce deLire & Friederike Schneider (production assistance & editing)


Enrika Myskovskaja & Johanna Schütt (concept & sonic explorations)




<<< Contact: